Saturday, September 02, 2006

A Lesson in Giving

Nicole's sixth birthday provided a perfect lesson in giving. As she was counting the money in her new personalized piggy bank, she wanted to pay Dad some of her money. Dad wouldn't take her money, but later after reading The Treasure Principle, by Randy Alcorn, Dad was convicted not to discourage her from giving. So Dad gave Nicole a choice of ministries she could contribute to. She chose a missionary family in Toulouse, France, for whom we pray regularly.

Not to be outgiven, Nathan decided he would contribute to one of Dad's other choices, the church in Sudan. Then he also decided to contribute to the family in France and then even to Dad's home church.

It's never too early to encourage giving!! When children give, they often give for the best reasons, and we adults often discourage them for the most selfish reasons.